Monday, June 29, 2015


As my husband is off attending a conference and bunches of now holders of master degrees move into new positions at new institutions I figured I would finally sit now and write a new post.  With out recent move(s) I have been trying to find the time and the right nows to write this one.

Most people like instant gratification on a job well done.  Usually that's not always the case, and it's no different with people working within Residential Life at any college/university.  You deal with so much stuff from students to parents and most of the time you do not get a thank you.  I am here to tell you that even though you don't get recognized for all that you do and the wonderful job each and every one of you do in your job people do notice and do appreciate it.

I can imagine that leaving one institution for another is hard, and maybe even harder when you leave wondering if anything you did there was noticed or even made a difference.  Sometimes you leave wondering all of that and then one day you get your answer.  It may take a while but somewhere down the line a person who you made a difference to will give you that recognition.  Even if you don't hear from the people whose lives you touched(some people aren't good at saying things) know that everything you do is for a great reason.  Without everyone within Res Life college/universities would be lost when it comes to housing their students.  Even though more and more students choose to live off campus it's still a rite of passage for some to live on campus and get the full college experience and it's part of your job to make sure they have a safe and fulfilling experience.  With so many students don't expect a thank you note from every single one of them.  But know that you made a difference to some of them.

So thank you for all that you do and know that you make a difference and your job is important and that people do understand and appreciate all your hard work.

Also good luck to all recent grads starting their first 'real' jobs and to anyone who may have found new jobs and all who have changed colleges/universities.  Settle in and show your new place what you are made of, you will make a difference wherever you go.